ABSTRACT:- The author solved the problem of Bubble Nucleation in Polymer Solutions (Jennings, 2014) and a paper emanating from that is flawed. The precursor equation, dlnA/dK=1/6K, led to the final formula,
ΔT = 3kT2wMW1/σaMW2 (Jennings, 2020), but the precursor equation is not true for all r as is purported (Jennings, CSIJ 2020). Here in this paper Jennings proves, with scant data, that the precursor is indeed true for
r ≥ 2. Fig. 2 has the surface tension of polystyrene in 2% decalin, so a linear fit gives σ=27.08-0.04977(T-20) erg/cm2, where T is in degrees Centigrade and the other two data points are extrapolating surface tension at 20 degrees Centigrade, and (Wu, 1970) has σ=40.7-0.072(T-20). Then it makes sense to plot the three points to get σ versus 1/r, so σ2=21.74-10.11(1/r). We take the surface tension of Fig. 2 to be the surface tension of the polystyrene because it is 98% polymer. r is the degree of polymerization, in other words, r=1 is styrene monomer.
KEYWORDS:- nucleation polymer “surface tension” “limit of superheat” “molecular weight”